The 32 Paths of Wisdom: A Journey of the Heart
This course takes a unique approach, presenting the 32 Paths of Wisdom within the framework of the Hermetic Cabalah, as expressed by the Rosicrucian grade and order system overlain upon the Tree of All Life. Tradition tells us that this diagram is a ‘Map’ of the Interior Kingdom we were born to rule. Our course follows the sequence of verses suggested by this Rosicrucian ‘Map,’ by beginning study on the 10th Path which equates to Malkut and the grade of Zelator. Our reasoning behind this approach is that it will trigger various types of subtle, yet profound changes within the pupil’s consciousness. The goal is development of one’s latent potentials and the realization of the Soul’s perfection – our inherent Divinity.
The course is presented in a series of lessons. Each is an overview for one of the Paths of Wisdom. The lessons define the verses of the Paths and show how they interrelate to the grades of the various Orders. Additionally, each lesson has a glossary of terms, with appended diagrams and artwork. Occasionally, there will be an addendum that further elaborates on concepts mentioned in the lesson.
The appended artwork and diagrams may be purchased as stand-alone graphic posters in a variety of sizes, ranging from 8.5 by 11 inches, to 13 by 19 inches. If you are interested, please inquire at:
Free Offering of the First Lesson
We are offering the first lesson of this 33 lesson course as a free download. Its worthiness for an investment of time and money may now be an informed decision by you.
This first lessen gives an introductory description to the course, a new translation for the Hebrew of the text for the 10th Path of Wisdom which relates to Malkut and the Grade of Zelator on the Tree of All Life. Included are explanations for the Spiritual Experience of Zelator/Malkut and the Magical Image associated with it. Each lesson has a glossary of terms used, Cabbalistic diagrams and occasionally artwork. These graphics may be purchased as stand alone posters as well.
To download, click the PDF image or download here.
This is the first lesson, an example of the layout and substance of this course. If you are interested in learning more, or to purchase other lessons, contact Dan Moore <bynamesandimages8 @>