Bring yourself your notebook, No recording allowed without permission. Proprietary material is not to be published, sold, or released without permission. The class is limited to twelve people.
An examination of the abiding mystery surrounding Alchemy, including:
- Myths, legends and traditions of Alchemy
- Alchemy East and West
- Longevity, Rejuvenation, and the Transmutation of Metals
- Inner and Outer Alchemy
- Alchemy and Astrology
- Art and Symbol
- A brief look at the development of Alchemy in the Western world.
- Ancient times
- Thoth/Hermes- The Emerald Tablet
- Metallurgy/ Ceramics/ Medicine
- Secret Sciences and Per Ankh
- Ptolemaic Egypt
- Great Library
- Temple of the Muses
- Aristotle’s elements
- Roman Empire
- Diocletian 291 CE
- Theodosius 390 CE
- Migration to “The Arabias”
- Arabic Alchemy
- Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayaan – Geber
- Ibn Sinna – Avicenna
- Arabic Migration into Western Europe
- Medieval Alchemy
- Quest for gold– mystery and scandal
- Nicholas Flamel/ Raymond Lull
- Paracelsus– Iatrochemistry
- Transition of Alchemy to chemistry
- Boyle and Newton
- Secret Societies
- Radioactivity—transmutation in nature
- Biological Transmutations
- Quantum physics
- The One
- Duality, time and space, vibration
- Volatile and Fixed energies/ life and matter
- Levels of energy density
- The Four Elements/ Quintessence
- Elemental Compositions
- The Three Essentials- Salt, Sulfur, and Mercury
- Philosophical Mercury
- Involution and Evolution of The One
- Esoteric Physiology
- Herbs and Stars
- Paracelsus / 4 elements, 3 essentials
- Philosophical principles of the plant world
- Spagyrics- Solve et Coagula
- Secrets of the Fire
- Degrees of fire in the laboratory
- Alchemical Operations
- Simple Spagyric Extracts
- Creating the “Seven Basics”
- Compound extracts