Immerse yourself in the ancient art of creating gem elixirs, where Alchemical wisdom meets Eastern spirituality. This 16-hour course offers a blend of practices from both traditions, guiding you in the sacred process of charging gemstones with powerful energies.
A two day intensive exploration of gem elixir preparation including the history of use in medicine, magic, and astrology. The geologic cycle, identification, and authenticity of stones by simple tests. Details of gem elixir preparation from the simple to the more complex alchemical medicines of the East and Western traditions. Vibrational medicines of the future.
I. History of Gems in Medicine
- A Medicine
- B. Astrology
- C. Magic
II. Geology of Gems
- A. Geologic Cycle
- B. Types of Rocks and Minterals.
- C. The Seven Crystal Types
- D. Identification and Authenticatoin of Stones.
- 1. Mohs Hardness Scale
- 2. Specific Gravity
- 3. Polarized Light
- 4. Microscopy
- 5. Chemical and Blowpipe Analysis
III. Methods of Gem Elixir Preparation
- A. Equipment needed
- B. Clearing and Cleansing stones
- C. Methods of charging gem elixirs
- D. Infusion with solar and lunar energies
- E. How to use
- 1. Homepopathic Dilution Process
- 2. External Applications in Medicine and Magic
IV Advanced Methods:
- A. Fusion Techniques
- B. Fluxes and Menstruums
- C. Furnaces and Equipment
- D. Extractions
- E. Distillations
- 1. Acetates
- 2. Amber
- 3. Jet, etc.
VI. Methods of Gem Preparation in Rasaśāstra (Indian Alchemy)
- A. General Method for Precious Stones
- B. General Method for Semi-Precious Stones
V. Radio Astronomy and Future Gem/Vibrational Medicine
- A. The Crystal Radio and Beyond